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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Customer business information:

We use the Bharat2Export website, we also use Google Analytics to collect information about your business, and we may collect information about your business from events, including your name, your mobile Number, your business address and your business email ID. Which we can help you grow your business.

Customer Data Information Privacy:

Thank you for connecting with Bharat2Export, we are concerned about the personal information of your business given by you, we are able to take the responsibility of keeping it safe, we request you to provide us your business information only + 918800434370 and contact.bharat2export@gmail.com, which allows us to retain the information provided by you as long as your service is ongoing with our company,

We would like to tell you about the services of our company, so that no one can cheat you under any pretext in the name of Bharat 2 Export.

Bharat2Export will never give you any wrong information that can harm your data or any personal information, because we consider it our responsibility to keep your information secure so that we can find and provide you the solution for your business problem,

Bharat2Export is able to keep your information secure only if we receive your information from your mail id or any chatting app provided by you, if your business information we do not receive from your email id or any , then we are not responsible for your business information.

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